Pitching in for Kids, Inc. (PIFK) is a dynamic nonprofit organization dedicated to providing specifically earmarked grants designed to improve the lives of children across the New England region. The founders, supported by their diverse and accomplished volunteer Board of Advisors, raise grant funds by organizing unique special events. The fund-raising events are distinguished by both their investor participation in sports-related activities, and further set apart by the endorsement and presence of prominent regional athletic figures. Because our city and region loves its sports and sports figures, using this theme as a draw allows Pitching in for Kids to concentrate its efforts on optimizing fund-raising opportunities and minimizing administrative costs. Tantamount to PIFKs efforts is the notion that children are our regions most precious assets. As such, they must have access to information, education, recreation and advocacy at every juncture. Our areas neediest children find themselves without necessary resources, especially in this time of state cutbacks and fiscally conservative social program policies. Pitching in for Kids helps close funding gaps to ensure the identified children benefit from carefully targeted grants designed to address a very specific child-related need, project or program. Once a tangible physical or recreational need is identified, PIFK will evaluate each recipient organization toensure that the entire grant is directed toward the identified need. Pitching in for Kids encourages children to participate in its special events to learn crucial life skills, as well as encourage the spirit of initiative and giving within the community. As an organized and experienced, primarily volunteer, organization, Pitching in for Kids creates fun and lucrative special event opportunities to benefit children in a myriad of ways, all of which enhance the lives, minds and spirits of our regions children, New Englands greatest assets.